About Me

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Phenix City, Alabama, United States
I have been called by God to serve Him through ministry to the orphan children of Africa! I have just started this journey! My prayer is that God will grant me wings so that I may swiftly arrive on the field! Please pray for his guiding!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Have you ever seen a shoe on the side of the road? Yesterday I saw 2 pairs of shoes with the shoe laces tied flung over an electric wire 20 feet in the air, but these are not the shoes that cause me concern. I'm talking about the random shoe you see along side the road. Sometimes they are very nice shoes. Sometimes they are ratty shoes. Big shoes, little shoes, boy shoes, girl shoes. Whenever I see these shoes I wonder how/why they happened to get there......hmmmm...

Did a couple get into a fight while driving down the road, one of them flinging a shoe at the other only to have it fly through (or break through) the car window?
Was someone late for work, hopping on one foot as they run to the car, trying to put their shoes on, setting the not-yet-donned shoe on top of the car and then driving off and forgetting it was there (I have done this with beverages several times)?
Did an amputee buy a new pair of shoes and only needed one, tossing the superfluous shoe out the window?
Has a crime been committed? Did the victims shoe fall off as their unconscious body was dragged into the trunk of the perpitrators vehicle?
Is it a High School prank and some poor kids gonna be in big trouble when he gets home (nothing flares the wrath of a mother like missing articles of clothing)?

Hmmm...these are the thoughts that keep me up at night...or at least while I am driving and it is a very good thing because I have found that I am a much more effective driver when I am awake. Go figure.


Julie Alexander said...

Aahhh...be careful, or you'll be up at night thinking these deep phylosophical (sp?) thoughts!

Sage said...

I would call you insane... but I'm just like that... oh well. Peace out awesome, older, lady-muga (formally known as mrs.A)

Julie Alexander said...

I can't contribute to the spelling delinquency of a minor...it's philosophical..now you know where Dani gets it.

La Profesora said...

i read your blog regularly and enjoy it - just don't often comment. :( In reference to the last post, "act, don't react" has really helped me. Part of 4 runles of communication learned at the Faith Biblical Counseling Ministry - When communicating,
#1 - Be honest (speak the truth in love)
#2 - Keep current (let not the sun go down upon your wrath - take care of today's problems today)
#3 - Attack the problem, not the person. (focus the energy on solving the problem, not attacking the other person's character)
#4 - Act, don't react (Use the energy you feel when angry, etc, to do something positive to solve the problem. Only a fool acts hastily on what he may erroneously percieve to be tru, etc. )