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Phenix City, Alabama, United States
I have been called by God to serve Him through ministry to the orphan children of Africa! I have just started this journey! My prayer is that God will grant me wings so that I may swiftly arrive on the field! Please pray for his guiding!

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Sins of the Fathers (and the Mothers)....

There are several verses in the Bible that refer to the iniquities of the fathers being visited on their descendants..even to the second or third generations. In studying out this topic, I found that the iniquity or sins of the fathers of one generation of Israelites affected the generations that followed. I don't believe that God was punishing the children for the sins of their parents, but what I do believe was happening was that the consequences of those sins were felt by the generations that followed.

This is a truth, a reality, that my children have had to live. Because of choices I made in the past, my children have had to live with the consequences of my sin...primarily my divorce from their father. As difficult a situation as it has been and although it was not a choice I would have made for how my life would be, God has used it in a wonderful way to bring me to a saving knowledge of his Son. However, there are still difficult situations to deal with. Not having a positive male influence in the home. Also, there are still choices that my ex-husband makes that are very difficult on Danielle.

Today in my Sunday School class, we talked about how God "appoints" our trials. The things that we often see as disappointments are trials that God has allowed in our lives to mold us into the people that he wants us to be....specifically, broken, powerless and completely dependent on him. We can take any negative situation in our life and choose to feel defeated, angry, or bitter...all of which are a form of self-pity. Or we can look at them as opportunities to draw close to God, to lean on him and to seek deliverance from our pain and disappointments.

Disappointment in our current situation doesn't do anything to help the situation...especially not for the person we are disappointed in. In this case, Wiley is a lost soul. He has no authority in his life except for himself. He is not to be an object of anger, but one of pity. His failings....a call to prayer...for the situation and for his soul.

Another important truth that this brings to light is that the choices we make...especially those which do not line up with the will and word of God can have long-lasting and difficult to deal with effects. And that those choices effect those that love us and depend on us....those we live with now...and those who may be our families in the future. Please remember this.


La Profesora said...

good take on all of this, Julie. When we truly see ourselves as we are, and how much God has forgiven us (dwell on that for a little bit), we have compassion on others and their need for the Lord. It is not so infuriating, because we have pity on them, as you say. The opposite would be pride, which brings contention. Thinking we are owed something better.
And oh we have to be so aware of how our actions today affect others tommorow. All very sobering.Thanks for writing on this topic.

Anna said...


What a jolt! You have put into words my own feelings in regard to your Uncle.

The choices he makes are hard on his child; he causes him worry with the things he says to him.

I say things trying to relieve my child of the worry and all the time anger is building up inside of me...how can he do this to our child!

Your words, "He is not to be an object of anger, but one of pity. His failings....a call for prayer for his situation and for his soul".

Your uncle is a lost soul also. Keep him in your prayers, along with prayers for Wiley and I will do the same.