Being a parent is scary business. I am now going to indulge myself in an old cliche..."I wish kids came with an instruction book"...(I just remembered, they did, it's called the Bible). You're given this precious gift from the Lord. You're made the steward of a life that actually belongs to Him. And, if you're like me, you spend a lot of time trying to stay out of God's way so that you don't mess it up! I have spent so many years being Kyle and Dani's Mom, it has become the major identifier in my life. If I wasn't that, I don't know what I would be (well, I would still be a child of God).
I remember the good old days when my primary concern was whether they remembered to brush their teeth before they left the house, whether they put their bike back in the shed, whether they took their shoes off before tracking through the house, whether they were eating enough green beans. Someone wrote a book, it may have been Dobson, that was called "Parenting Isn't for Cowards". That is so true. I can't fathom this journey without the Lord and I am so grateful to have Him with me.
I wish I could take all my knowledge and experience and funnel it into my daughter's brain so that when I'm trying to give her my perspective on her life, she could trust that, to some degree, I know what I am talking about. Don't get me wrong, I am thankful that I have a teenage daughter that is willing to listen; albeit, at times, reluctantly. But I can tell by her facial expressions that, sometimes, she thinks I'm plain nuts (and that isn't far from the truth). But (here comes another cliche) "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree". And how about "she is her mother's daughter". I see so much of myself in her. I wish I could teach her all the lessons I learned so that she wouldn't have to experience the bad stuff herself...but, alas, some lessons have to learned or is it learnt 1st hand! It's my mother's curse...I remember it well..."some day I hope you have a daughter and I hope she acts just like you!" Well...I did...and she does...and I thank God for every minute of it!
And for my final cliche..."That which does not kill us makes us stronger".
I AM THE LORD! THE GOD OF ALL FLESH! IS THERE ANYTHING TOO HARD FOR ME? (From Jeremiah) Survey says....NO, nothing is too hard for God. Not even raising teenagers. Glad she belongs to HIM.
yep. I try to help dani as much as possible, and she always does the same for me. I'm glad that you 2 here with us.
A big Amen, Julie, especially to the Scripture. That's what keeps us going. Now for a post on all the blessing they are to us :)))
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