It is my birthday week. True to form, it is the year before and the year after the milestones that get to me, not the milestones themselves. This year it is the big 4-1. I think I get frustrated because I set my life goals around the milestones in my life. The year before I hit them, I am panicked because I only have a year left to accomplish those goals and the year after I hit them, I am irritated because I have not accomplished more of my goals. This year, I am going to set the goal to set goals around non-milestone birthdays and do away with birthday angst.
I am thankful for another year to serve our Lord...another year to learn more about Him....another year to see what He has in store for me (and my children). One of my favorite verses is from Isaiah (I can't remember the address)...Your ear shall hear a voice behind you saying, "This is the way, walk in it". I love to imagine the Lord behind us, his hands on our shoulders, guiding us as we take faltering steps forward. The closer we listen for that voice, the more boldly we can step forward as we learn to trust his guidance and lean on His everlasting arms.
Psalm 145:7 "You open up your hands and satisfy the desires of every living thing".
hi there,
thanks for dropping in.So where are you now?i have just started on a career.Im 20 years you junior(im not trying to rub it in.)but give me a glimpse of how things are once you are out of the Big4 ....
I'm currently working to TSYS (Total Systems, Inc.) in Columbus, GA in the internal audit department. I only did about 3 years in "traditional" audit, the remainder was risk management. I had a short stint as a Controller of a Restaurant Management Company (great accounting experience, lousy hours) then with a smaller accounting firm, where I did taxes. Enough said. I'm now back in Internal Audit. You have to pay some dues, but I wouldn't trade the big-4 experience for anything. Great training, great experience, all my certifications paid looks great on a resume. Even if it is Arthur Andersen.
Happy Birthday, julie, whenever it is :) I think the younguns are going to make it too, by God's grace.
yes-our last name at
Hi Julie,
Happy Birthday to you! Just wait till you're 53! Life couldn't be better!
I have a couple of blogs at MSN Spaces. I put them out there a long time ago, and now can't remember how to get back to them, add more or delete them. That's what happens when you get to be 53!!!
Hope to see you in Orlando in a few weeks, but know that God's plan for your vehicle needs may mean you won't make it, but I hope not.
Luv ya!
nice post Ms (?). A. The only reason I like asking those questions is I find out more about you with each coming answer [Dani probably knows this by now :) ] Well, My mom's b-day was this week too... happy b-day anyways...
Happy Birthday! I turned 41 on 14 Feb:) I recommend you buy the best used car you can afford rather than feed the money pit. I'll continue to keep you and Dani in my prayers.
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